Entries by Fatma Mohammed

Bliss Organics Disclaimer

“Skin Sensitivity Test” By Opening this container for first use you agree to do a skin sensitivity test first looking for possible irritation or allergic reaction and if any did occur you are going to immediately wash it away, if it persists then you must seek medical attention. Why it is important? Everyone of our […]

Princess Maryam for Porcelain Complexion (Day Cream)

Adds radiance, nurtures the epidermis, and protects it from the elements. Helps eliminating irritation, blemishes & redness, for a softer and smoother skin. Use during day time as a nourishing  & protective  foundation. Seals the moisture in without clogging skin pores. Apply with finger tips, massage in circular motions. Tip: For better care for your […]

Nour Skin Therapy (Night Cream)

For softer and clearer complexion that has more radiance, better color toning and tighter pores, Works by rejuvenating healthier, softer, smoother, and brighter complexion.Wide range effective formula to help with skin conditions: Redness, freckles, age spots, and black heads, open pores & sun damage. Helps the reduction of Acne, scars & red spider veins. For maximum results apply for as […]